Soldiers with more than 16 years of service who want to transfer their Post-9/11 GI Bill to a dependent must do so before July 12, or risk losing the ability to transfer education benefits.

Last year, the Department of Defense implemented a new Post-9/11 GI Bill Transfer of Education Benefits, or TEB, eligibility requirement, which instituted a “six- to 16-year cutoff rule,” said Master Sgt. Gerardo T. Godinez, senior Army retention operations NCO with Army G-1.

Further, Soldiers who want to transfer their education entitlement must have at least six years of service, he said. All Soldiers must commit to an additional four years of service to transfer their GI Bill.

However, Soldiers who are currently going through the medical evaluation board process cannot transfer GI Bill benefits until they are found fit for duty under the new DOD policy.

“For Purple Heart recipients, all these rules do not apply,” Godinez said.

Prior to the new policy, there were no restrictions on when a Soldier could transfer their education benefits.

Since 2009, more than 1 million Soldiers have transferred their GI Bill benefits, Godinez said.

“To transfer their GI Bill, Soldiers have to go into milConnect website, login with their common access card, then select the tab there that talks about the transfer education benefits,” Godinez said.

If a Soldier needs additional help, they can visit their installation’s service and career, or education counselors. In July, the new rules will be in effect and those Soldiers with more than 16 years of service will not be eligible to transfer education benefits.

“Soldiers need to review this benefit to make an educated decision,” he said.

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