JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas — Since 2012, Kim Rennert, Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph Fitness Assessment Cell lead, has ensured the proper training of new physical training leaders and FAC augmentees, which has resulted in accurate and fair test results for thousands of Airmen.

Individuals interested in becoming physical training leaders for their unit must take a basic three hour course taught by Rennert. Augmentees take a 2½ day course and spend 45-90 days working as part of the FAC under her leadership.

“We do physical training tests every day by recording a person’s height and weight, the number of pushups and sit-ups they can accomplish with proper form within one minute, as well as their 1½ mile run time or two kilometer walk,” Rennert said. “We log individual’s score sheets, notify Unit Fitness Program Managers of any unsatisfactory test results and build PT test schedules.”

Though counting the amount of pushups one can do in a minute may sound simple to some, Rennert said it’s not as easy as it looks.

“Within our team, we have each other’s backs,” she said. “If one of my trainees miscounts while someone is performing their pushups or sit-ups, I am there to tell him what number he is on. These are official tests for people’s careers, and we want to ensure they receive the most fair and accurate test possible.”

Despite giving demonstrations on the correct form of exercises beforehand, FAC members sometimes receive negative reactions from military members who fail to meet Air Force fitness standards.

“I feel bad when someone does not pass their test for whatever reason,” Rennert said. “I’ve had people blame their failures on me, when I’m simply holding fast to Air Force standards. I can’t give people what they don’t earn.”

As the Air Force PT testing system has become more challenging over the years, Airmen have been held accountable to a higher standard to improve readiness across the Air Force. The PT program at JBSA-Randolph is no exception.

“The job of the FAC members lets commanders know where their Airmen are at, and the program has helped a lot of people improve their fitness,” Rennert said. “It keeps them within the standards and accountable, which I think helps them toward their career as a whole. It makes us a stronger Air Force.”

Though Rennert has a reputation for her strict training and high standards for her team, she enjoys seeing those who are testing succeed.

“It’s an awesome feeling when people who have struggled before to pass their PT test finally reach their goal,” she said. “There have been times I’ve traded high fives or hugs with those people. Seeing someone train and accomplish a pass is great.”

After all is said and done, Rennert said her team is what makes her look good.

“I hold my team to a very high standard and I have a reputation, but I don’t mind, because I know I’m doing my job correctly,” Rennert said. “They make us shine. My supervisor and mentor, Marlin Richardson, has also played an important part in our success. I’m not successful, my team is successful.”

To learn more about Air Force Fitness Program rules and standards, visit

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